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Become a part of the GoTriple community!

Registration and Public Profiles now available on GoTriple

“Onboarding/Registration” (TRIPLE Video Tutorial Series)

GoTriple, the discovery platform for the social sciences and humanities has officially opened registration for users. The GoTriple platform is an innovative multilingual and multicultural discovery solution for the social sciences and humanities (SSH) that works as a central access point that allows you to explore, find, access and reuse materials such as literature, data, projects and researcher profiles at a European scale. GoTriple is one of the dedicated services of OPERAS, the research infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities in the European Research Area.

Via registering, users (e.g. researchers, journalists, librarians) of the platform can now use it to its full potential: Setting up a profile allows users to claim articles written by them connecting them to their profile. Registering and creating public profiles lets users display their areas of expertise, publications, projects they are involved in, and their interest in collaboration with others. Users will be able to log in with their ORCID, Google, or EGI account or to create a new, local account on OPERAS’s single sign-on service. Soon, the profiles will also include the feature to initiate a conversation with other users who declared to be “Open to Collaboration” on their profile.

“Public Profile Settings” (TRIPLE Video Tutorial Series)

While registering is not obligatory for using the website’s other services (e.g. multilingual discovery, online annotation, visualizations), the profiles are a crucial feature of GoTriple. Their implementation aims to facilitate collaboration among all disciplines of the social sciences and humanities. GoTriple users are enabled to display their work and expertise to an interdisciplinary community and use that display to foster new collaborations.

You can try out GoTriple and register for free here:

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Sona Arasteh (December 2, 2022). Become a part of the GoTriple community! OPERAS. Retrieved February 6, 2025 from

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