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European project TRIPLE delivers its final output: the GoTriple platform

The main output of the TRIPLE project that the EU has funded via the Horizon 2020 programme for 3 years is GoTriple, a multilingual discovery platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities. GoTriple is part of the OPERAS service portfolio and will live on beyond the project’s lifespan which ends in March 2023.

Since 2019, 22 partners from 15 countries have worked on developing the multilingual discovery service GoTriple which covers 11 languages (German, French, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Spanish, Portuguese, Croatian, Polish, English, Italian, Greek) and 27 disciplines from the Social Sciences and Humanities. The platform is part of the OPERAS service portfolio and, through its innovative features, offers opportunities for discovery and collaboration alike: a recommender system suggests publications, authors and projects based on former search queries, the Trust Building System enables users to connect their social circles, the scientific crowdfunding service supports researchers develop communication strategies and gain initial funding for their projects. Via Pundit, an online annotation tool, users can annotate publications online and share their annotations with other users. Users can explore and analyze their search results with two visualization options (Streamgraph and Knowledge Map).

To better enable the research community to connect with one another, GoTriple is dedicated to supporting building academic networks, fostering communities of practice and strengthening the connection between society and research. After registering on the platform, GoTriple users are able to display their expertise as well as the projects they are involved in and contact each other via an integrated chat system.

Over the course of the project, several other results have been achieved that promise to be of use to the Open Science community. This includes the multilingual vocabulary that has been developed for the platform and is based on the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), the TRIPLE Training Toolkit, Deliverables and scientific articles published by members of the consortium. 

For a general overview visit the project’s website:

The discovery service GoTriple is available via:

TRIPLE Key Takeaways:

TRIPLE Conference “Improving Discovery and Collaboration in Open Science” Report:

OPERAS Research Infrastructure

OPERAS is the Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in the European Research Area. Its mission is to coordinate and federate resources in Europe to efficiently address the scholarly communication needs of European researchers in the field of SSH. By fulfilling its mission, OPERAS provides the research community with the missing brick it needs to find, access, create, edit, disseminate and easily and efficiently validate SSH outputs across Europe and enables the whole field to reinvent itself in the new Open Science paradigm.


Sona Arasteh (Communication Officer TRIPLE Project)

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Sona Arasteh (March 14, 2023). European project TRIPLE delivers its final output: the GoTriple platform. OPERAS. Retrieved February 6, 2025 from

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