OPERAS Design Study
The OPERAS Design Study is now available at www.operas-eu.org/design-study.
The OPERAS Design Study is the outcome of the OPERAS-D project. The main part of the OPERAS Design Study is comprised of four studies that explore the landscape of OPERAS field of activity, establish the technical mapping of the OPERAS consortium, present a survey on users’ needs concerning scientific communication and academic publishing, and finally foresee the development of the governance scheme and business model of the future infrastructure within the ESFRI framework. The studies’ main finding is the fragmentation of OPERAS field of work. Thus, OPERAS vision and mission is integration.
Download the full OPERAS Design Study here: OPERAS Design Study
Landscape Study
Download the full text here: Landscape Study
The Landscape Study is a deliverable for Work Package 2 (“Developing Network and e-Infrstructure Strategy”) of the OPERAS-D project. The study identifies recent developments and challenges within the scholaly communication framework. It particularly sketches the landscape of academic publishing in the SSH, with special reference to existing and emerging open access models within the OPERAS network and beyond. To this extend, the report examines important initiatives in Europe, the USA, Australia and elsewhere, in terms of operational and business models, stakeholder participation, current recommendations and good practices. Special attention is given to assessing the use and impact of open access publications, and indicating the goals and needs yet to be met.
Technical Mapping
Download the full text here: Technical Mapping
The Technical Mapping is a deliverable of Work Package 3 (“Technical and Services Requirements”) of the OPERAS-D project. The Technical Mapping of the OPERAS environment provides a global description of the technical, organizational and information systems within the OPERAS consortium. More precisely, the mapping collects detailed information about workflows, software, development languages, data and metadata management, dissemination and distribution tools. It identifies similarities, compatibilities and possible interoperability.
Usage Survey
Download the full text here: Usage Survey
The Usage Survey is a deliverable of Work Package 3 (“Technical and Services Requirements”) of the OPERAS-D project. In order to identify the services the OPERAS infrastructure will have to develop and implement in the future, the OPERAS consortium has conducted an online survey that has collected information on current practices regarding open access, the evaluation of existing services, the missing services, and the level of interest for integrated new services. To address the specific needs of each stakeholder in the field, the survey has been addressed to five different groups: researchers, publishers, librarians, funders, and socio-economic actors.
ESFRI Landscape Study
Download the full text here: ESFRI Landscape Study
The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) is a strategic organisation first launched in 2002 to develop the scientific integration of Europe and to strengthen its international outreach. ESFRI selects a limited number of projects with a high degree of maturity, that enhance European science and innovation competitiveness. The ESFRI landscape study describes the purposes, origins and development of ESFRI, and introduces some of the projects and landmarks already on the ESFRI Roadmap that bear similarities with OPERAS. It also describes the typical lifecycle of an ESFRI project, and the governance and legal structures that have typically been adopted by other ESFRIs, in order to help inform the OPERAS consortium in its application to the ESFRI Roadmap.
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Elisabeth Ernst (September 15, 2017). OPERAS Design Study. OPERAS. Retrieved September 20, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/sjku