TRIPLE: Behind the Scenes #5: Emilie Blotière
In the series “TRIPLE: Behind the Scenes” we feature individual staff members from the TRIPLE project team, to give a face to the people behind the scenes. What is their role in the project, what is...
In the series “TRIPLE: Behind the Scenes” we feature individual staff members from the TRIPLE project team, to give a face to the people behind the scenes. What is their role in the project, what is...
On December 17, 2020, approximately 140 voting research institutions from across Europe met to elect the eight-member executive committee of the European Open Science Cloud Association (EOSC), the so-called Board of Directors. The EOSC...
OPERAS and Huma-Num cordially invite you to the Kick-Off of the TRIPLE project, funded in the Horizon 2020 framework. It will take place at the 4th of December 2019, at the Maison des Sciences...
From 12 – 14 September 2018, the 4th International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) took place in Vienna in the Habsburg Palace. Preceding this conference, the ESFRI roadmap (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures)...
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