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Open Science means more than mere Open Access, and Open Access does not mean just journals. Upstream, it means opening the whole research process by giving access to a variety of digital objects, such as methods, software, data and intermediary documents beyond the final peer-reviewed research article or published output. Downstream it means opening the knowledge discipline-based silos, creating bridges among countries and disciplines,  and supporting aggregation and reuse along interdisciplinary topics. Developing Open Science entails to go beyond just releasing millions of Open Access documents, but also to interlink them via useful services and build an integrated trusted open knowledge system across disciplines and fields of specialization.

Several projects, especially in Europe, pursue the aim of  publishing Open Access research monographs. However, not enough has been done yet to integrate Open Access monographs into the open science ecosystem in a systematic and coordinated fashion. That’s the main goal of High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science (HIRMEOS) project. The project addresses the particularities of academic monographs as a specific support for scientific communication in the Social Sciences and the Humanities  and tackles the main obstacles of the full integration  of monographs into the European Open Science Cloud. It aims at prototyping innovative services for monographs in support of Open Science infrastructure by providing additional data, links and interactions to the documents, at the same time paving the way to new potential tools for research assessment, which is still a major challenge in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

By improving already existing publishing platforms and repositories participating in the OpenAIRE infrastructure, the HIRMEOS project will increase its impact and help including more disciplines into the Open Science paradigm, widening its boundaries towards the Humanities and Social Sciences and to reach out new fields up to now poorly integrated.

General Description

HIRMEOS will prototype and set up a common layer of added value services on top of existing e-publishing platforms for open access monographs. The set of services that will be prototyped will make scattered and loosely connected collections of documents an integrated part of the open science knowledge system at european level by implementing common standards and crosslinking the documents with others and with various types of digital objects related to the research process. The project builds on two combined pillars: integration and innovation. HIRMEOS won’t develop new technologies from scratch but rather use already existing ones and prototype their implementation on the specific types of digital objects that are academic monographs. The technologies used will be the most innovative of the moment although mature enough to be implemented.


HIRMEOS develops on top of the most common publishing platforms and technologies for open access monographs in the ERA, forming an already existing publication infrastructure. It adds services to the platforms and data to the documents they publish. As the platforms are compliant and indexed by OpenAire, the value added by the project to the platform will be reused by OpenAire to integrate better the monographs in the KMS set up by OpenAire infrastructure.

From TRL-6 to TRL-8 : The level of development between the platforms is uneven considering the different services the project aims to implement. Most of the services are implemented successfully on one or two of the platforms participating to the project but none on all of them. Some services have been implemented on different and specific environments but on none of the participating platforms. HIRMEOS will bring all platforms at the same level of development regarding the data services they will offer.

HIRMEOS within the Global Open Science Knowledge System


The services targeted by the project are closely connected inter-dependant and cumulative in a modular architecture. They fall into 2 categories : basic and advanced services.

Basic services

  • Identification services will attribute several identifiers to the documents, hence allowing to create links between publications and other digital objects. The data service will produce 3 additional data : authors identification, documents identification, named entities identification.
  • Entity recognition through NERD service
  • Certification service will guarantee that monographs selected inside the platforms are compliant with common open science criteria : the certification service will produce and expose in a standardized way 2 additional data : description of peer-reviewing process and licence information

Advanced services

  • Open annotation will add open peer review and open commentary to the documents and link to them through unique identification. It will increase interactions with users inside and outside the academic field. It will add 1 additional data to the document : Certificationproduced by the users.
  • Usage Metrics services will standardize usage measures on the documents and add 1 additional data : usage indicators such as downloads and social media impact

Whenever it’s possible HIRMEOS will use the most widely used technologies and standards in the scientific community, especially those that are dominant in the publishing industry to enable Open Access books to have a standing in the competitive commercial sector.

Type of service Type of data Technology or standards
Identification Authors ID ORCID
Documents ID DOI
Entity recognition Named entities NERD
Certification Peer review process DOAB PR types
License Creative Common
Annotation Open peer review
Open commentary
Usage metrics Downloads COUNTER
Citations/reviews Crossref – Google Scholar
Social media impact ALM

There will be four levels of implementation for each of the five mentioned sercices with the first two being mandatory within the project consortium, a) API connection, b) exchange of data and metadata via OAI-PMH, c) visualization of generated data on the platform, d) making one or more of the services functional for users.

Publishing Platforms

HIRMEOS will involve 5 publishing platforms:

  1. OpenEdition Books (FR) is the OpenEdition platform dedicated to Open Access books. OpenEdition books is run by the Center for Open Electronic Publishing (Cléo), the french national infrastructure supported by CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, EHESS and Avignon University. It disseminates more than 2700 – and counting – Open Access books from 51 publishers. OpenEdition Books works with Lodel, a free software developed by Cléo dedicated to Open Access publications in Humanities and Social Sciences.
  2. The OAPEN Library (NL) contains  2600 freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of humanities and social sciences. OAPEN works with 120 publishers to build a quality controlled collection of Open Access books, and provides services for publishers, libraries and research funders in the areas of deposit, quality assurance, dissemination, and digital preservation. OAPEN Library is run by OAPEN Foundation in Netherlands. OAPEN Library works with XTF, an Open Source platform for providing access to digital content, developed and maintained by the California Digital Library (CDL).
  3. ΕΚΤ ePublishing service (GR): Funded by structural funds and own funds, the ePublishing service of the National Documentation Centre, Greece, offers advanced e-infrastructures and related services to institutional publishers in Greece (universities, research centers, scholarly societies and  memory institutions) to publish peer-reviewed journals, proceedings and monographs in the  Social Sciences and the Humanities.   EKT ePublishing service works with Open Monograph Press (OMP) for monographs. OMP is an open source software platform developed by the Public Knowledge Project for managing the editorial workflow required to see monographs, edited volumes and, scholarly editions through internal and external review, editing, cataloguing, production, and publication. OMP can operate, as well, as a press website with catalog, distribution, and sales capacities.
  4. Göttingen University Press (DEU) is the publishing house of Göttingen University and has published scholarly texts by researchers affiliated with the university since 2003. It is managed by an editorial board made up of representatives of the various faculties as well as of the University Medical Center Göttingen.In terms of strategy, Göttingen University Press supports the principles of Open Access, i.e. the provision of online content for users free of costs and limitations. We support our authors in publishing electronic and print-based texts. Göttingen University Press aims to give unlimited public access to research publications and to facilitate high-quality publications which, due to the specialisation of their content, will not easily be accepted by commercial publishing houses.All digital publications of Göttingen University Press are made available to the public on a permanent basis. Printed titles can be ordered directly through the publishing house as well as through traditional or online book shop.
  5. Ubiquity Press (UK): Ubiquity Press is an Open Access publisher of peer-reviewed academic journals, books and data. UP operates a highly cost-efficient model that makes quality Open Access publishing affordable for everyone. UP also makes its platform available to the Ubiquity Partner Network, providing the infrastructure and services to enable university and society presses to run sustainably and successfully. Ubiquity Press works with RUA. RUA is an Open Source application developed by Ubiquity Press and designed to assist with the Monograph publishing life cycle. Stages include: optional proposal, submission, internal review, peer review, copy editing, production, publication.


Deliverable 1.1 Minutes of the Kick off Meeting (confidential)

Deliverable 1.2 Short Progress Report (confidential)

Deliverable 1.3 Collaboartive Web Platform (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1343471)

Deliverable 1.4 Digital Management Plan (confidential)

Deliverable 2.1 Technical Specifications and Workplan (confidential)

Deliverable 2.2 Report on Work Done and Lessons Learnt (confidential)

Deliverable 3.1 (N)ERD Technical Specifications (confidential)

Deliverable 3.2 NERD API: Source Code, Open Source Licensing and Documentation (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1343480)

Deliverable 3.3 NERD Service and API (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1343504)

Deliverable 4.1 Governance and Quality Assurance of HIRMEOS Certification Service (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1343510)

Deliverable 4.2 Classification System for Peer Review Procedures (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1343512)

Deliverable 4.3 Provisional List of Open Licenses (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1343512)

Deliverable 5.1 Technical Specifications of the Open Annotation Service (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1343518)

Deliverable 5.2 Source Code and Documentaiton of the Open Annotation Service (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1343520)

Deliverable 5.3 Report on Post-Publication Open Peer Review Experiment (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3275661)

Deliverable 5.3 (French) Expérimenter l’évaluation ouverte par les pairs post-publication par l’annotation (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3293767)

Deliverable 6.1 Metrics Services Specification (confidential)

Deliverable 6.3 Minutes of the Workshop on New Book Metrics

Deliverable 6.4 Deployable Dashboard Service as Open Source Software (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3275639)

Deliverable 7.1 Report on Stakeholders and European Infrastructures Related to Open Science in HSS (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1343524)

Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination Toolkit (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1343528)

Deliverable 7.5: Report on Task 7.4: Networking and Communities Outreach within the Framework of the HIRMEOS Project (10.5281/zenodo.3268599)

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Project information on CORDIS: HIRMEOS